Friday, June 24, 2011

it's what he didn't say

When driving up to the Soo we came across this sight.
Martin harumphed and said "I could say something, but I won't."
"Did you have something you wanted to say?" I inquired.
"Not a thing, I can't think of a thing - here a pause - Nope, not a thing."
"Did you want to take that sign and strap it to my behind?"
"I didn't say that"
"No, you didn't but you are in trouble just the same"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

salt and peppa'

It all started when one of the shakers in the Boven home was not usable anymore (I will not say what happened because I do not know) 
(I have my own theroy)
(I think that it became an as-salt victim) 

The thought was that a set of new salt and pepper shakers should be acquired. 
The opinion of Alison and the prevalent consensus of the family was that under no circumstances should I be told about their predicament because of my past actions with a frog searching request.

That being said, unfortunately I was told and, of course, I went overboard again
and over the years the following salt and pepper shakers were acquired 
and given to Alison.

 So these are just some of the many salt and pepper shakers that I have given Alison.  She is happy that I have stopped.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


It isn't the socks that I am frightened of. It is the state of their potential un-matched-ness that causes anxiety. My socks sit so sweetly in my dresser awaiting my tender tootsies to request their presence upon said tootsies.
What a pretty sight. All in a row.
And just anyone could potentially mess it all up...
but who would do such a thing?
No one I know, I am sure.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Sculptacle - another made up word. A scupture that becomes a spectacle

My cousin An is a wonderful artist - I did ask her how she could sculpt me from memory since she lives in Holland - unfortunately I look like the one on the right and not the one on the left.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

East Coast Kitchen Party

The people on Canada's east coast have a tradition that they call a kitchen party. Someone in the house will drag out an instrument and start playing. Some other instruments may join in and, more likely than not, plenty of voices join in the song.
No sheet music and proper lyrics. Just fun.

The closest thing to a kitchen party I have been to was at the last Hotchkiss reunion when the guitars came out and there was lots of singing.

Almost like a concert.
And speaking of concerts.
By far the favouritest concert I have been to is Great Big Sea - I caught them twice, both times with Andrew. The first time we were way up in the balcony. And the second time we were about 10 rows back from the front. If you want to sit during their concerts then you best be in the balcony because those on the main floor stood and danced for most of the time.
Lots of singing along (my apologies to the people I sat behind)
Lots of fist pumping (sorry to anyone who witnessed the 'old lady flabby arms' awavin')
Lots of dancin'

When my grandson sleeps over on Friday nights he wants to start his Saturday mornings with a bowl of oatmeal and the GBS dvd that I have of one of their concerts - his favourite is Bob - mostly because he can say Bob's name the clearest - Sean and Alan are harder for him to say.

Those boys from Newfoundland really know how to put on a show.
It's almost like a kitchen party.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why Meatloaf?

I don't why I enjoy the music of Meatloaf so much but I do.

A number of years ago I took Andrew and Henry and Henry's friend Jon to a concert at Copps. My ears were still ringing the next day.

My favourite is little known Martha and then Testify.
The more well known favourite is Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself.

I watched the recent season of Celebrity Apprentice because Meatloaf was on it.
I think it would be really interesting to sit and talk with the guy and, again, I don't know why.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What a face!

I don't think my sister claims to be a morning person.
This was taken at my cousin An's place in Holland.