A number of years ago I led a small group bible study after Coffee Break had ended. In one of our discussions group member Grace had told us a story about her sister.
Grace's sister had faced rather significant health challenges throughout her years and lived in a nursing home far earlier than any young lady would have wanted to.
Grace had once borrowed her sisters set of Delft Blue cups and saucers for a special occasion. In the transportation of said dishes Grace accidentally dropped the kitten-kaboodle and they fell to the ground in the typical thousands of pieces.
Grace had felt terrible about this as this was a very special set of dishes that had high monetary value but even higher sentimental value for her sister.
It was with some amount of trepidation that she told her sister about the mishap. It was not likely that these dishes could be replaced and Grace felt that her sister had every right in the world to be very angry with her.
What Graces sister told her was this
"you are more important than things"
I love that.
What I find so neat about that story is that Grace shared it with me and then I get to learn a wonderful lesson from Grace's sister. A woman I had never met gets to teach me a better way to live.
I now know that people are more important than things.
So if one of the grandchildren spills something or a guest drops something - I find myself very quickly remembering the gracious attitude of a special woman - I adopt the same attitude quickly.
At one point I gave everyone in the small group a reminder of that story.
It is not the same kind of Delft Blue that Grace had broken
but I bought them so that we would each remember that
"you are more important than things"