"My marks and scars I carry with me to be a witness for me."
A line from Paul Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress. A book I have held in my hand a number of times trying to get started on reading it. I have not yet found a time that I looked at the first page and wanted to tackle it. Don't know if I ever will. Maybe the Readers Digest Condensed version.
But I love the line.
"My marks and scars I carry with me to be a witness for me."
I found those words in the Canadian Parliament Building in Ottawa. It is located in the Memorial room where war time losses are remembered. War certainly causes marks and scars. Some deeper than others.
It is true that we carry with us the marks and scars that we have picked up during our life.
I have some mighty impressive stretch marks across my belly which were created by my wonderful children doing the growing of the first 9 months of their lives. Now I am not altogether proud of these marks which look a tad like Darth-Vaders-helmetless-head. But very proud of the children that grew under them.
I have other marks and scars.
A small gash on my hand because the scalpel used when I was trying to dissect my dead-as-a-doornail science frog from highschool.
A slash on my thumb from some rather tacky craft project, again from my highschool days.
An appendix removal scar from 1983.
And various others which need not be added to the list for you to know that I have received some bumps along the way.
But we all carry marks and scars that are never seen on the outside.
Scars on the inside - hurt feelings, angry words, disappointments,
careless words spoken, relationships which I wish were different.
I am sure that I have, at one point or another, been the inflictor of marks and scars on others.
In each case I would like to have the chance to apologise and to make amends.
To offer and to receive forgiveness is a cleansing thing.
My marks and scars are part of who I am - the seen ones and the unseen ones.
Expect I will gain some more before I am through.
Likely I will inflict some more before I am through.
Still I look forward to the future.