my calendar date book has gone missing -
I last saw it in my purse when I pulled it out in Value Village to check whether the magazine I was going to get was already read by me (I keep a list)
later that day it was not in my purse -
I have retraced my steps - including back to Value Village -
it was not in their lost and found
what I will miss the most is my calendar of the places I had to be - I can pretty much create it again from other sources but if I have an appointment with you that I do not keep then you will know why -
I will also miss the list of books and magazines that I am looking for - again some of it can be recreated but there are some that I only had recorded there
and the contact information of family and friends
and the picture of the dinnerware that I am looking for for Sue
and the picture of the dinnerware that I am not looking for for Tena
and the picture of the plate that Tena broke that I already found for Wendy
as soon as I go through and collect it all
I will probably find it
but maybe it is lost to the cosmos
never to be found again
I hate losing things.
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