The other day I watched 'Finding Forrester'.
Enjoyed it alot.
When watching, some of the lines seemed to me very quotable.
I went searching for some of the quotes on the interweb and
discovered that I was right.
Why are your socks inside out?
Socks are badly designed. The seams are on the inside. They hurt the toes.
In some cultures, it's good luck to wear something inside out. You believe that?
No. But it's like praying. What do you risk? And I do go outside.
How do you think those windows get cleaned?
Now, about this professor of yours.
How did it feel having him tell you what you can't do? Like he knew he was better than me. Then let's show him what you can do.
Why is it the words we write for ourselves are always
so much better than the words we write for others? ============================================================== What are you doing? I'm writing. Like you'll be, when you start punching those keys. Is there a problem? No. I'm just thinking. No thinking. That comes later. You write your first draft with your heart.
You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing write.
Not to think.
Start typing that.
Sometimes the simple rhythm of typing gets us from page one to page two. When you begin to feel your own words, start typing them. Punch the keys for God's sake! Yes!You're the man now, dog.
Jamal Whatever we write in this apartment stays in this apartment. No exceptions.
"The rest of those who have gone before us cannot steady the
unrest of those to follow." You wrote that in your book.
What's hard is growing up in a place cops don't even want to be in after dark.
What's hard is knowing you're safe there. 'Cause the people you need to worry about,
know you've got nothing to give them.
So it's a good thing you're here.
These people don't think I got anything to give them, either.
Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail,
or worse yet, afraid we may succeed.
While I knew so very early on that you would realise your dreams
I never imagined I would once again realise my own. Seasons change, young man. While I waited until the winter of my life to see what I've seen this past year there is no doubt I would have waited too long, had it not been for you.
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