Tuesday, January 24, 2017

And now... Even Another Incredible Art Exhibition

I went down 
to the McMaster Innovation building 
to see some art.
I knew that my very talented cousin Arlene 
had some of her beautiful art work on display there...

 But, what is that I see?
More art just around the corner 
from Arlene's beautiful display...

There it is! On the wall!
Why it is my very own art!
Quel suprize!
One of my art fans 
must have contributed to the exhibition 
without my knowledge...

So I thought that I had better pose with my work.

The review is posted below.


Here she goes again.

Anita Eleveld has,
once again,
created a masterpiece.

Titled “The Unchanging Moods of Apple”

Branching out her artistic horizons
Anita has,
in this exhibition,
tackled the ever challenging 'Still Life'

Tree-ting her subject with ap-peel,
she is blossom-ing into a bud-ding artist.

We look forward to the harvest
of future endeavours.

The pick of the crop,
McMaster is proud
(if not slightly confused)
to display this work of art.


  1. Very 'puzzling'! Maybe you should stick to walking and making soap.

  2. Wonder how one blossoms into a budding artist, is it not usually the other way around? Of course that could be an alternative truth as well.

  3. Her imagination....just boggles my mind.....I could never even 'think' of those things... She is creative 'verbally'.....like her father.

  4. Her imagination....just boggles my mind.....I could never even 'think' of those things... She is creative 'verbally'.....like her father.
