Back a number of years ago I took a writing class through McMaster University. A desire to stretch some creative wings overtook me and I found myself back in a classroom. Bob was a great teacher, a very encouraging sort.
One of our assignments was a First Person Singular. Something written from our own viewpoint. The class assignments were going to be sent to CBC Radio to be looked at by Karen Levine. If it was good enough, the writer was to be invited to come to Toronto to tape the story for radio and was going to be paid.
Most of the class went for very touching memories - they sometimes involved death and small furry pets. I, on the other hand, thought that humourous would be the better way to go. My middle-of-the-night adventure with an errant bat was going to have to suffice. To be sure there could be embellishment but I thought that, in a rare fit of journalistic integrity, there would be no such occurrence in my piece.
Well my assignment ended up being chosen. As luck would have it, the radio program was cancelled before I had a chance for my 15 minutes of fame. Needless to say, my hubby was happy because the aforementioned tale of the errant bat included my wonderful hubby on the front lawn in his tighty-whiteys.
I always over edit and redo many of the things I write and am not ever fully satisfied with something I've written but tomorrow I will blog the actual story.
Bats and all.
This would have been your chance to be in line to be governor general. You could have worn queen like hats and spread your brand of cheer throughout the world as Canada's representative of the queen. Alas ... now we will never know what could have been.