My Obsessive Compulsive Disorder comes in a fun form. It is not the actual full blown disorder that inhabits me, just the fun and quirky kind. The kind that keeps my spice rack in alphabetical order. The kind that compels me to fold only socks that match - and match exactly. The kind that convinces me that the clothes hanging in my closet really wish to be hung on the same colour of hanger that they themselves are. OK, I know my clothes do not have feelings (maybe the hangers do, though).
It is having the scissors in the scissors drawer all pointing in the same direction. Having matching cutlery. Having to do my exercises in sets of 44. Having the money in my wallet all facing the same way and in denominational order.
This is normal isn't it?
This all just makes life easier and run more orderly.
And I can use all the orderly I can get.
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