Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I never did homeschool my children. 
I would have ended up hurting some of them.
Even helping them with math homework cause tears - theirs and mine.

But I love this quote

Thursday, March 26, 2015

it is snowing again

snow is falling again
just after a couple of weeks 
that made us feel that spring 
was on it's way

it will come 

just not today

Sunday, March 22, 2015

new 'puter

 Jeff brought by my new computer.

 His hands are on the old one and the new one is in front.

It will take some getting used to
and I have to move some of my files back.
Felt good to back up everything.
It made me feel smart.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

tony d

When I was young I had a crush on Tony DeFranco.
A Tiger Beat darling who sang and danced his way into the hearts of countless females.

He sang, with his brothers and sisters, the peppy boppy songs 
that teenaged girls loved to singalong with.
They originated from southern Ontario before they moved to California.

I think I was a member of their fan club and so when they came to Hamilton Place 
to put on a show I was given a backstage pass.
Can't remember much of it but I was there with Rita.
She was my friend who decided with me
 that we were going to form a music group like the DeFranco Family.
One of us was going to learn to play guitar 
because those groups always had someone playing the guitar. 
Don't know how I thought we were going to sing 
because it wasn't something that either of us really interested in doing. 
We just wanted to be famous I think.
It never happened and the world is the better for it.

I got their autographs and remember that I got a Christmas card from the group for two years after that.

Monday, March 16, 2015

one more comment on Mr. Spock

 I found a couple more pics of Leonard Nimoy that I wanted to include.

a guest appearance on BBT