Friday, October 21, 2016

gratitude week 25


Sure am grateful for education.
Also very grateful that an education does not have to come from a school.
That said, plenty of my education did.


K- most of grade 2 -- Ridge School

rest of grade 2 - grade 6 -- Caistor Central School

first two months of grade 7 -- Hampton Heights

rest of grade 7 and grade 8 -- Calvin Christian School

highschool -- Hamilton District Christian High School

college -- 1 year of 2 year accounting program at Mohawk College

a course at basic computers  (after we got our state-of-the-art 486 computer -- forget where but it was downtown on King Street by Kenilworth

a basic biology course -- from Mohawk College maybe down on Victoria?

a certificate in the creative writing program -- from McMaster University at the old courthouse campus


and that is pretty much it for the formal education
of Anita Eleveld Joldersma

some of us drink at the fountain of education
and some of us merely gargle there

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