Saturday, October 30, 2010

How else could I get to the fence?

An now for the Queen of Understatement.
A number of years ago one of our daughters got part time work at the airport. It was the early shift - from 4am until 7am and being awake that early in the morning was not easy for her. One morning she came in and reported that there was a little tiny eensy weensy ding on the front bumper of the truck that we let her use to get to work. She had said that there was black ice, she had slid a little and just touched a fence. Fearing she was under-exaggerating the littleness of the ding we checked the damage. Sure enough there was just a little ding. Phew.
The next Sunday I overheard her talking to friends about her mishap. It went something like this.
"I got a bunch of muscly guys to help and we got the truck out of the ditch in no time," she had told them.
I approached the group. "Excuse me," I asked, "what truck and what ditch are you talking about?"
She said, "your truck - when I dinged the front bumper."
I said, "You still didn't say which ditch."
She replied, "I hit some black ice, went through a stop sign and across two lanes and into a ditch. How else could I get to the fence?"                                   

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