Saturday, May 18, 2013


I enjoyed watching this past season of Survivor.
I had wanted Malcolm to win and he didn't.

They voted him out. : (

But not before he made one of the most unexpected Survivor moves ever during the tribal council.

The two guys he was aligned with were very much on the chopping block and the three of them were getting ready to get voted out one at a time. One of the guys had an earned immunity idol and Malcolm found a hidden idol in front of some others. But Malcolm also had another hidden idol that he had found earlier and he was able to give that one away so the third guy would not get any votes against him. Shocked faces all around and a scrambling shift of a vote that had been previously been a lock.
But the three of them were safe for another week. It was a fun season to watch.

But the underdog all along was Cochran.
The nerdish geek who was a huge fan of the show
who actually got on the show then
got voted off and then
got on the show again and then
fought like the dickens and won.

Once of my favourite lines of the season came from Cochran..
During a food challenge Eddie bought a giant bowl of peanut butter the entire tribe had 60 seconds to share. They went absolutely crazy over the peanut butter and literally took handfuls back to camp. Sherri even let Cochran lick some off her finger.
Jeff asked, “How often does that happen?” 
Cochran replied, “More often than you think.”

Way to go dude

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