Tuesday, August 25, 2015

walk blog 8


One might not equate the above picture 
with my walking
 but equate away.

Found this while walking over the Linc overpass on West 5th.
It had been used as a planter and was sitting among a number of plain old planters 
with a various assortment of dead and dying plants entombed within.
It turns out to be rather unremarkable in its markings.
The bottom only says made it Italy.
But it looks fancy dancy with a lot of gold on it.
Don't really know why I picked it up.
It seemed to want to come to my house.
So it did.


That same day over another Linc overpass - this time on Upper Wentworth
but what did I espy in the grass by the side of the road.
A spoon.
One isn't usually too thrilled by a spoon 
but it looked remarkably similar to the set of spoons that I own.
So remarkably alike that I felt it necessary to pick up the spoon and bring it home.

It is not identical.
But close enough for me.

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